Room ECED-1 : 201
Office Phone 0495-2286716
Mobile 9446204157, 7025510787
Home Address House No: 33/2944B Nelliakkunnel House, Marykkunnu P O Paroppady, Calicut -12
Areas Of Interest Machine Learning, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Medical Image Analysis
  • PhD: National Institute of Technology, Calicut (2010 - 2014, Part Time Category)
    • Thesis Title: Design and Development of Low Complexity Schemes for Multimedia Information Security
    • Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Deepthi P P, Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Calicut
  • M.Tech: Signal Processing, College of Engineering Trivandrum (2005 - 2007)
  • B.Tech: Electronics & Communication Engineering, MA College of Engineering Kothamangalam, (2000 - 2004)

Joined on 19th May 2010 at NIT Calicut


Theory Courses

  1. Linear Systems Theory (EC6401), Monsoon 2010 -'11, 2011-'12
  2. DSP System Design (EC6104), Winter 2010 -'11, 2011-'12
  3. Network Theory (EC2011), Monsoon, 2012-'13, 2013-'14, 2016-'17, 2017-'18 
  4. Basic Electrical Sciences (ZZ1003), Winter 2011-'12
  5. Electromagnetic Field Theory (EC2022), Winter 2012-'13, 2013-'14
  6. Signals & Systems (EC2014), Monsoon 2014-'15, 2015-'16, 2020-'21, 2021-'22
  7. Fundamentals of Communication (EC2024), Winter 2014-'15, 2015-'16
  8. Opto-electronic Communication Systems (EC 4040), Winter 2015-'16, 2016-'17
  9. Antenna Theory (EC 4036), Monsoon 2016-'17
  10. Linear and Non-linear Optimization (EC 6422), Winter 2016-'17, 2017-'18
  11. Information Theory (EC6303), Monsoon 2017-'18
  12. Information Theory & Coding (EC3022), Winter 2017-'18, 2018-'19
  13. Electric Circuits & Network Theory (EC2011D), Monsoon 2018-'19, 2019-'20
  14. Mathematical Techniques for Electronics Design (EC6103D), Monsoon 2018-'19, 2019-'20, 2022-'23
  15. Information Theory (EC6305D), Winter 2019-'20
  16. Pattern Recogonition and Analysis (EC6431D), Winter 2019-'20, 2020-'21, 2021-'22
  17. Computer Vision (EC4074D), Winter 2022-'23.
  18. Neural Networks (EC6428D), Winter 2022-'23.
  19. Mathematics for Machine Learning (EC3067D), Monsoon 2023-24.
  20. Applied mathematics for Electronics Design (EC6103E), Monsoon 2023-24.
  21. Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (EC6129E), Monsoon 2023-24.


Lab Courses/Seminar

  1. Basic Electronics Lab (EC2091), Monsoon 2014-'15 
  2. Signal Processing Lab I (EC6403),  Monsoon 2010 -'11, 2011-'12, 2015-'16, 2016-'17, 2017-'18
  3. Signal Processing Lab II (EC6405) Monsoon 2010 -'11, 2011-'12, 2014-'15
  4. DSP Lab (EC6107), Winter 2010 -'11, 2011-'12
  5. Digital Signal Processing Lab (EC 4091), Monsoon 2015-'16
  6. Seminar, Electronics Design Technology (EC6108), Winter 2015 -'16, 2016-'17
  7. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab (EC3092), Monsoon 2011-'12
  8. Seminar (EC4094), Winter 2017-'18, Monsoon 2022-'23
  9. Seminar (EC6405), Winter 2020-'21, 2021-'22


CapsNetwork – International Network for Capsule Imaging in Endoscopy (October 2021 – October 2026)

  • International research collaboration funded by Research Council of Norway (RCN).
  • Roles and responsibilities in CapsNetwork: Mobility, Student supervision, Research, School Chair & Partner.
  • Lump-sum payment of NOK 716 000.
  • Joint PhD program with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)


 PhD Thesis Guidance


  1. Subodh Raj M S (Human Action Analysis): Full Time (JRF) - July 2019
  2. Jithin Joseph (Endoscopic Video Analysis): Part Time - August 2021
  3. Shanthini K S (Spectral Image Analysis): Full Time (QIP) - September 2021
  4. Jobin Jose (Computer Vsion in Robotic Surgery) : Part Time - December 2022
  5. Nivya N (Machine Learning in MRI Radiomics) : Full Time - August 2023

 Completed - 06

  1. Baburaj M (Roll No: P150071EC), Associate Professor, GEC Kozhikode
      • Thesis Title: Design of Low Rank Representation based Techniques for the Eradication of Multidimensional Signal Impairments
      • Date of joining : 31-12-2015
      • Category : Part Time
      • Date of Open Presentation: 05-12-2018
      • Date of Thesis Submission : 30-01-2019
      • Date of Viva-voce Examination : 04-05-2019
  2. Sameera V Mohd Sagheer (Roll No: P140099EC), HOD, Biomedical Engineering, KMCT for Women, Kozhikode
      • Thesis Title: Design of Low Rank Recovery Frameworks for Denoising of Multilinear Medical Images
      • Date of joining : 05-01-2015
      • Category : Full Time
      • Date of Open Presentation: 07-12-2018 
      • Date of Thesis Submission: 11-02-2019
      • Date of Viva-voce Examination : 14-06-2019
  3. Abdu Rahiman V  (Roll No: P140100EC)Associate Professor, GEC Kozhikode
      • Thesis Title: Design of Robust Super Resolution Algorithms for Deteriorated Natural Images
      • Date of joining : 05-01-2015
      • Category : Part Time
      • Date of Open Presentation: 22-02-2019
      • Date of Thesis Submission : 17-06-2019
      • Date of Viva-voce Examination : 06-09-2019
  4. Anju Jose Tom (P160075EC), Research Fellow, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
      • Thesis Title: Design of Moving Object Detection Schemes for Challenging Environments
      • Date of joining : 14-12-2016
      • Category : Full Time
      • Date of Open Presentation: 10-12-2019 
      • Date of Thesis Submission : 05-02-2020
      • Date of Viva-voce Examination : 26-05-2020
  5. Baiju P S (P170023EC), Associate Professor, LBSITW, Thiruvananthapuram
    • Thesis Title: Design of Deweathering Schemes for Challenging Climatic Conditions
    • Date of joining : 10-07-2017
    • Category : Full Time (QIP)
    • Date of Open Presentation: 03-11-2020
    • Date of Thesis Submission: 07-12-2020
    • Date of Viva-voce Examination : 14-04-2021
  6. Jobin Francis (P180067EC), Research Fellow, NTNU, Norway
    • Thesis Title: Design and Development of Efficient Algorithms for Subspace Clustering and Allied Applications
    • Date of joining : 21-07-2018
    • Category : Full Time
    • Date of Open Presentation: 12-12-2021 
    • Date of Thesis Submission : 23-02-2022

Other Joint Mentorship

  1. Bhupendar Koushal (X-ray Angiogram Image Analysis)
  2. Praveen James (Video-based Movement Analysis of Patients with Movement Disorders)
  3. Shyam Chand G (Spectral Imaging for Food Safety Inspection)


Research Collaborations

  • Norwagean University of Science & Technology (NTNU), Norway.
  • Government Medical College Hospital, Kozhikode.
  • Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences & Technology, Thiruvananthapuram. 

M.Tech Thesis Guidance


  1.  Greetta Antonio (Signal Processing)
    • VQA in Robotic Surgery
  2. Naveen R (Microelectronics & VLSI Design)
    • Hardware Accelerators for Deep Learning Models (Vision Transformer)
  3. M Sushanth (Electronics Design Technology - joint supervision)
    • Hardware Accelerators for Deep Learning Models (Transformer)
  4. K Ruthwik Swamy (Electronics Design Technology - joint supervision)
    • Hardware Accelerators for Deep Learning Models (Convolutional Neural Networks)

Completed - 42

  1. Desai Pravin Kishor (Signal Procssing) (2022-23)
    • SS3DFR : Semi-Supervised 3D Face Reconstruction from Single Face Image

  2. Nitish Kumar (Signal Processing) (2022-23)
    • An Attention based Video Summarization Technique for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Data

  3. Guntru Prasanth Kumar (Signal Processing) (2021-22)
    • Design and Development of Efficient Schmes for Human Action Recognition from Skeletal Data
  4. Neelesh Sabat (Industrial Power & Automation) (2021-22)
    • Design and Development of Low Complex Algorithms for Precise Moving Object Detection
  5. Alai Shubham Ravindra (Signal Processing)(2020-21)
    • Design and Development of Robust Content based Image Retrieval Schemes

  6. Sadina K (Signal Processing)(2020-21)
    • An Approach to Multi-view Clustering 

  7. Athul Vijay M P (Industrial Power & Automation)(2020-21)
    • An Intelligent System for Human Activity Analysis in Smart Home Applications

  8. Deepak Sreedharan (Industrial Power & Automation)(2020-21)
    • Design and Development of Contactless System for COVID-19 Surveillance using Computer Vision

  9. Akhil Johnson, Signal Processing
    • (Subspace Clustering & its Applications) (2019-20)
  10. Rejitha M R, Signal Processing
    • (Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos(2018-19)
  11. Sherin Lisa Antony, Signal Processing 
    • (Total Variation Regularized Low Rank Approximation Technique for Scene Transmission Map Estimation in Image Dehazing) (2018-19)  
  12. Shijila B, Signal Processing
      • (Low Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition based Moving Object Detection) (2017-18)- received the best M. Tech project award in GRADUATE CONGRESS - GraTE7 organized by IEEE ComSoc Kerala Chapter and ComSoc BangaloreChapter.  
  13. P Deepak Jayan, Signal Processing 
      • (Weighted Nuclear Norm and TV Regularization based Image and Video Deraining) (2017-18) 
  14. Sanoop S Babu, Electronics Design and Technology
    • (Shopping Cart Assistance Robot) (2017-18)  
  15. Hawazin S Khaleel, Signal Processing
    • (Denoising of Rician Corrupted 3D Magnetic Resonance Images using tensor-SVD)(2016-17) - Secured second prize in National M.Tech Colloquiumat NIT Calicut - 2017. 
  16. Geona Mary P D, Signal Processing
    •  (Entropy Based Low Rank Modeling and its Applications in Video Recovery)(2016-17) 
  17. Sruthy S. Electronics Design Technology 
    • (WiFi Enabled Home Security Surveillance System using Raspberry Pi and IoT Module) (2016-17) -Secured second prize in National Technology Day 2017 - Project Competition at NIT Calicut 
  18. Yamuna S, Electronics Design Technology
    • (Real Time Face Detection and Recognition System using Raspberry pi) (2016-17) 
  19. Rohit U, Signal Processing
    • (Robust Face Hallucination using Position-Patch based Approches) (2015-16)
  20. Midhu Mohan, Signal Processing
    • (Remote Sensing Image Fusion via Sparse Reprentation) (2015-16)
  21. Rehna K, Signal Processing
    • (Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound Images) (2015-16)
  22. Baburaj M, Signal Processing
    • (Manifold signal processing & its applications) (2014-15)
  23. Greeshma N K, Signal Processing
    • (Reconstruction of cloud contaminated remote sensing satellite images) (2014-15)
  24. Ramitha R S, Signal Processing
    • (Sparse representation based speech processing) (2014-15)
  25. Rahul Ramesh, Electronic Design Technology
    • (Remote health monitoring using IoT) (2014-15)
  26. Abhishek, Signal Processing
    • (Multimedia security through compressive sensing) (2013-14)
  27. Nishanth Augustine, Signal Processing
    • (Secure Audio Processing through Sparse Representation) (2013-14)
  28. Y Padmarao, Microelectronics & VLSI
    • (ASIC implementation of stream cipher based secure channel coder) (2013-14)
  29. Anoop B N, Signal Processing
    • (Secure Transcoders for Video data) (2012-13)
  30. Athira A V, Signal Processing
    • (Encryption via Compressive Sensing) (2012-13)
  31. Pearlsy P V, Signal Processing
    • (Secured Joint Source Channel Coding Technique for Video) (2012-13)
  32. Shine P James, Signal Processing
    • (Audio Coding and Security) (2012-13)
  33. Arun Raj R, Signal Processing
    • (Image and Video Encryption) (2011-12)
  34. Subeesh Vasu, Signal Processing
    • (Image and Video Hashing) (2011-12)
  35. Ashna K, Electronic Design Technology
    • (GSM based automated Energy Meter Reading system with instant billing) (2011-12)
  36. Sreesh P R, Electronic Design Technology
    • (Smart Home GSM/GPRS with Zigbee) (2011-12)
  37. Rakesh V S, Electronic Design Technology
    • (Building Security Surveillance using wireless sensor network and FTP server) (2011-12)
  38. Geethu R S, Microelectronics and VLSI Design
    • (A design for FPGA implementation of Heart Sound Source Separation) (2011-12)
  39. Neetha George, Microelectonics and VLSI Design
    • (Digital Tracking Filter for FM-CW Radar) (2011-12)
  40. MD Sikander, Electronic Design Technology
    • (A mobile GSM - sensor array for air pollution monitoring) (2010-11)
  41. Jose Joji, Electronic Design Technology
    • (FPGA implementation of video scalar) (2010-11)
  42. Rajesh S R, Electronic Design Technology
    • (Image enhancement and its implementation in FPGA) (2010-11)


Journal Publications

  1. Jobin Francis, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "A Nonconvex Low Rank and Sparse Constrained Multiview Subspace Clustering via l1/2-induced Tensor Nuclear Norm", IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, August, 2023.
  2. Shanthini K. S. ,Sudhish N. George, Sony George,Binu Melit Devassy, "Hyperspectral fruit image restoration using non-convex optimization", Journal of Food Engineering (Elsivier), vol. 358, December 2023, 111662.
  3. Jithin Joseph, Sudhish N George, Kiran Raja, " Parameter-Free Matrix Decomposition for Specular Reflections Removal in Endoscopic Images", IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, Vol. 11, June 2023, pp. 360-374.
  4. Neelesh SabatSubodh Raj M S, Sudhish N George, “A Computationally Efficient Moving Object Detection Technique using Tensor QR Decomposition based TRPCA Framework”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Elsivier), February 2023.
  5. Subodh Raj M S, Sudhish N George, “A Fast Non-convex Optimization Technique for Human Action Recovery from misrepresented 3D Motion Capture Data using Trajectory Movement and Pair-Wise Hierarchical Constraints”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer), August 2022.
  6. Jobin Francis, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "An l1/2 and Graph Regularized Subspace Clustering Method for  Robust Image Segmentation", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (TOMM), vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1–24, February 2022.
  7. Abdu Rahiman V, Sudhish N George,"A Framework for Super Resolution of Color Images with Missing Samples Using Low Rank Approximation.", Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal (Springer), 23, 12, March, 2022.
  8. Baiju P S, Sudhish N George, "TTV Regularized LRTA Technique for the Estimation of Haze Model Parameters in Video Dehazing", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (TOMM), Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2022, Article No.: 4pp 1–22.
  9. Jobin Francis, Baburaj Madathil, Sudhish N George„ “A Comprehensive Tensor Framework for the Clustering of Hyperspectral Paper Data with an Application to Forensic Document Analysis”, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 6194–6207, December 2021. 
  10. Jobin Francis, Baburaj Madathil, Sudhish N George, Sony George, “A Robust Tensor based Submodule Clustering for Imaging Data using l1/2 Regularization and Simultaneous Noise Recovery via Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition Approach”, Journal of Imaging, vol 7, no 12, pp. 279, December 2021.
  11. Baiju P S, Sherin Lisa Antony, Sudhish N George, ""An Intelligent Framework for Transmission Map Estimation in Image Dehazing using Total Variation Regularized Low Rank Approximation", The Visual Computer (Springer), March 2021.
  12. Baiju P S, Sudhish N George, ""l1∕2 regularized joint low rank and sparse recovery technique for illumination map estimation in low light image enhancement", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer), February 2021, pp:1-128, DOI:10.1007/s12652-021-02947-x.
  13. Jobin Francis, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "A Unified Tensor Framework for Clustering and Simultaneous Reconstruction of Incomplete Imaging Data", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (TOMM), 16, 3, Article 92 (August 2020), 24 pages.
  14. Baiju P S, Deepak Jayan P, Sudhish N George, "Tensor Total Variation Regularized Low Rank Approximation Framework for Video Deraining", IET Image Processing, July 2020, pp:1-12. 
  15. Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Noise Robust Image Clustering based on Reweighted Low Rank Tensor Approximation and l1/2 Regularization", Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer), July 2020, pp. 1-8.
  16. Baiju P S, Sudhish N George, ""An Automated Unified Framework for Video Deraining and Simultaneous Moving Object Detection in Surveillance Environments", IEEE Access, July 2020, pp:1-12, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3008903.
  17. Anju Jose Tom, Sudhish N George, "Simultaneous Reconstruction and Moving Object Detection from Compressive Sampled Surveillance Videos", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 29, June 2020, pp. 7590 – 7602.
  18. Sameera Mohd Sagheer V, Sudhish N George, "A Review on Medical Image Denoising Algorithms", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, (Elsevier), Vol.61, August 2020, pp. 1-19.
  19. Abdu Rahiman V, Sudhish N George, "Multi-frame Image Super Resolution using Spatially Weighted Total Variation Regularizations", IET Image Processing, April 2020, DOI:  10.1049/iet-ipr.2019.0901 .
  20. Geona Mary P D, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Entropy-based Reweighted Tensor Completion Technique for Video Recovery", IEEE Transactions on Circuits, Systems and Video Technology, Vol. 30, No. 2, February 2020, pp. 415-426
  21. Sameera Mohd Sageer V, Sudhish N George, "Despeckling of 3D Ultrasound Image using Tensor Low Rank Approximation", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, (Elsevier), Vol. 54, Sept. 2019, 101595.
  22. Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Simultaneous Reconstruction and Anomaly Detection of Subsampled Hyperspectral Images using l1/2 Regularized Joint Sparse and Low Rank Recovery", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.57, No. 7,July 2019 pp. 5190-5197.
  23. Anju Jose Tom, Sudhish N George, "A Three-Way Optimization Technique for Noise Robust Moving Object Detection using Tensor Low Rank Approximation, l1/2 and TTV Regularizations", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, June 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2921827.
  24. Anju Jose Tom, Sudhish N George, "Video Completion and Simultaneous Moving Object Detection for Extreme Surveillance Environments", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 26, No. 4, April 2019, pp. 577-581.
  25. Sameera Mhd Sageer V, Sudhish N George, "Denoising of Low-dose CT Images via Low-Rank Tensor Modeling and Total Variation Regularization", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Elsevier), Vol. 94, March 2019, pp. 1-17.
  26.  Shijila B, Anju Jose Tom, Sudhish N George, "Simultaneous Denoising and Moving Object Detection using Low-Rank Approximation", Future Generation Computer Systems (Elsevier), Vol. 90, January 2019, pp. 198-210.
  27. Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Tensor based Approach for Inpainting of Video Containing Sparse Text", Multimedia Tools & Applications (Springer), Vol. 78, No. 2, January 2019, pp. 1805–1829.
  28. Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "DCT based Weighted Adaptive Multi-linear Data Completion and Denoising", Neurocomputing  (Elsevier), Vol. 318, November 2018, pp. 120-136.
  29. Shijila B, Anju Jose Tom, Sudhish N George, "Moving Object Detection by Low Rank Approximation and l1-TV Regularization on RPCA framework", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Elsevier), Vol. 56, October 2018, pp. 188-200.
  30. Hawazin S Khaleel, Sameera Mhd Sageer V, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Denoising of Rician corrupted 3D Magnetic Resonance Images using Tensor-SVD", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, (Elsevier), Vol. 44, July 2018, pp. 82-95.
  31. Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Twist Tensor Total Variation Regularized-Reweighted Nuclear Norm based Tensor Completion for Video Missing Area Recovery", Information Sciences (Elsevier) Volume 423, January 2018, Pages 376-397.
  32. Abdu Rahiman V, Sudhish N George, " Robust Single Image Super Resolution using Neighbor Embedding and Fusion in Wavelet Domain", Computers & Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Vol. 70, August 2018, pp 674-689.
  33. Sameera Mhd Sageer V, Sudhish N George, "Ultrasound Image Despeckling using Low Rank Matrix Approximation Approach", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, (Elsevier), Vol. 38, September 2017, pp. 236–249.
  34. Abdu Rahiman V, Sudhish N George, "Single Image Super Resolution Using Neighbor Embedding and Statistical Prediction Model", Computers & Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Vol. 62August 2017, Pages 281-292.
  35. Rohit U, Abdu Rahiman V, Sudhish N George, "A robust face hallucination technique based on adaptive learning method", Multimedia Tools & Applications (Springer),  Vol. 76, Issue 15pp 16809–16829, August, 2017.
  36. Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "A Novel Dictionary Based Approach for Missing Sample Recovery of Signals in Manifold", Signal, Image & Video Processing (Springer), Vol. 11, Issue 2, February 2017.
  37. Sameera Mhd Sageer V, Sudhish N George, "An Approach for Despeckling a Sequence of Ultrasound Images based on Statistical Analysis", Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal (Springer), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1-29, 2017.
  38. Greeshma N K, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Reconstruction of Cloud Contaminated Satellite Remote Sensing Images using Kernel PCA based Image Modelling", Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer), Vol. 9, Issue. 3, pp.239: 1 - 14, March 2016.
  39. Geethu RS, Krishna Kumar M, Sudhish N George, "Source Separtion of Heartbeat Sounds for Effective e-Auscultation", Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series B (Springer), Vol. 97, Issue 1, March 2016, pp 69–75.
  40. Nishanth Augustine, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P. Pattathil, "An Audio Encryption Technique through Compressive Sensing and Arnold Transform", International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications, (Inderscience),  Vol. 3, Issue 1,  2015.
  41. Sudhish N George, Nishant Augustine, Deepthi P P,"Audio security through compressive sampling and cellular automata", Multimedia Tools & Applications (Springer), Vol.74, No.23, Dec 2015.
  42. Sudhish N George and Deepthi P Pattathil, “Multiple chaotic maps based secure measurement matrix generation for multimedia compressive sensing”, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (Inderscience), Vol. 9, No. 1, 2016.
  43. Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “A Secure LFSR based Random Measurement Matrix for Compressive Sensing”,  Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal (Springer), Vol.15, No. 1, March, 2014, pp.1-29.
  44. Sudhish N George, Deepthi P Pattathil, “A novel approach for secure compressive sensing of images using multiple chaotic maps”, Journal of Optics (Springer),Vol. 43, No. 1, March 2014, pp 1-17.
  45. Sudhish N George, Arun Raj R, Deepthi P P, “A new framework for encryption and authentication multimedia data”, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol.8, No.5, July 2013, pp.105-118.
  46. Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “ Key based Huffman Table for Multimedia Content Protection”, International Journal of Multimedia and User design and User Experience, Vol.25, No.1, March 2013, pp. 1103-1108.
  47. Sudhish N George, Arun Raj R,  Deepthi P P, “An Efficient Multimedia DRM Technique using Secure Arithmetic Coding”, International Journal of Computer Applications , Vol. 61, No. 17, January 2013, pp 1-8.
  48. Narayanan Vijayakumar, Sudhish N. George, "Design optimization of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers using artificial neural networks", SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering, Vol. 47, No. 8, August 2008,pp.(085008)-1-8. 


Papers in arXiv

  1. Madathil, Baburaj, Sameera V. Mohd Sagheer, V. Rahiman, Nishanth Augustine, Anju Jose Tom, Baiju P S Jobin Francis, and Sudhish N. George. "Tensor Low Rank Modeling and Its Applications in Signal ProcessingarXiv preprint arXiv:1912.03435, December, 2019.
  2. Sruthy S, Yamuna S., and Sudhish N. George. "An IoT based Active Building Surveillance System using Raspberry Pi and NodeMCUarXiv preprint arXiv:2001.11340, January, 2020.


Conference Proceedings

  1. Anju Jose Tom, Sudhish N George, ""Simultaneous Super Resolution and Moving Object Detection from Low Resolution Surveillance Videos", IEEE  5th Big-Surv Workshop @ ICME 2023, Brisbane, Australia, July 2023.
  2. Shanthini K S, Sudhish N George, Sony George, “Stripe Removal from Hyperspectral Food Images acquired by Handheld Camera using l2,1 Norm Minimization and SSTV Regularization", 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology, July 2023, Bali, Indonesia.
  3. Jobin Francis, Shanthini K S, Sudhish N George, Sony George, “A Tensor Non-convex Low Rank and Sparse Constrained Band Selection Scheme for Clustering of Hyperspectral Paper Data”, IEEE WHISPERS, September 2022, Rome, Italy.
  4. G Prasanth Kumar, Subodh Raj M S, Sudhish N George, “Human Activity Recognition from Skeletal Data Using Covariance Descriptor and Temporal Subspace Clustering”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Communications Technology, July 2022, Bali, Indonesia.
  5. Jithin Joseph, Sudhish N George, Kiran Raja, “A New Matrix Decomposition Framework for Specular Reflection Removal from Endoscopic Images”, 11thColour and Visual Computing Symposium 2022 (CVCS 2022), September 2022, Gjøvik, Norway. 
  6. Shanthini K S, Sudhish N George, Sony George, “A New Optimization Model for the Restoration of the Deteriorated Hyperspectral Fruit Images”, 11th Colour and Visual Computing Symposium 2022 (CVCS 2022), September 2022, Gjøvik, Norway. 
  7. G Prasanth Kumar, Subodh Raj M S, Sudhish N George, “An Efficient Framework for the Clustering of Human Activity Data using Kernelized Robust Covariance Descriptors”, 11thColour and Visual Computing Symposium 2022 (CVCS 2022), September 2022 Gjøvik, Norway.
  8. Jobin Francis, Akhil Johnson,  Baburaj M, Sudhish N George,  "A Tensor based Submodule Clustering for 2D Images using l1 2 -induced Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization", WorldS4 2021- LONDON
  9. Deepak Sreedharan, Subodh Raj M S, Sudhish N George, Ashok S "A Novel Cough Detection Algorithm for COVID-19 Surveillance at Public Places", IEEE 8th International Conference on Smart Computing and Communications (ICSCC-2021), 1-5.
  10. Neelesh Sabat, Subodh Raj M S, Sudhish N George, Sunil Kumar T K, “A Fast Moving Object Detection Technique Using QR Decomposition Based TV Regularized RPCA Framework”, IEEE TENSYMP2022.
  11. Joseph Mathew, Sudhish N George, “Cross Spectral Image Registration for Fever Detection”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES), January 2022.
  12. Athul Vijay M P, Subodh Raj M S, Sudhish N George, "Hand Gesture Recognition System using Modified SVM and Hybrid Ensemble Classifier", IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies(CONIT 2021), 1-6.
  13. Subodh Raj M S, Sudhish N George, "l1/2 Regularized RPCA Technique for 3D Human Action Recovery", 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-5.
  14. Jobin Francis, Akhil Johnson,  Baburaj M, Sudhish N George,  "A Joint Sparse and Correlation Induced Subspace Clustering Method for Segmentation of Natural Images", 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-7.
  15. Gali Amoolya, Sudhish N George, "EEG Based Emotion Recognition and Its Interface with Augmented Reality", ACN Symposium on Multimedia, Visualization and Human Computer Interaction (SMVH'20).
  16. Akhil Johnson, Jobin Francis, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "A Two Way Optimization Framework for Clustering of Images Using Weighted Tensor Nuclear Norm Approximation", IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC -2020), Feb. 2020, IIT Kharagpur.
  17. Treasa Joy, Sudhish N George, "Power Optimization Techniques in High Frequency Processor Blocks", 4th IEEE Int. Conf. Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC-2020), January, 2020.
  18. Rejitha M.R., Sudhish N George, "An Unsupervised Abnormal Crowd Behavior Detection Technique using Farneback Algorithm", IEEE Int. Conf. Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT-2019), Bangalore, India, July 2019.
  19. C. Hima,  Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "A Novel Technique to Remove Marked Dynamic Object from Video Based on Re-weighted Low Rank Tensor Completion", 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Computing Communication and Security (ICCCS 2018), Kathmandu, Nepal, October 2018.
  20. Nishanth Augustine, Sudhish N George, "Sparse Regularization based Fusion Technique for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images using Non-linear Mixing Model", 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Computing Communication and Security (ICCCS 2018), Kathmandu, Nepal, October 2018.
  21. Abdu Rahiman V, Sudhish N George, "Robust Single Image Super Resolution Employing ADMM with Plug and Play Prior", Third Int. Conf. on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP-2018), IIITDM, Jabalpur.
  22. Anju Jose Tom, Sudhish N George, "Tensor Total Variation Regularized Moving Object Detection for Surviellance Videos", IEEE Int. Conf. Signal Processing & Communication (SPCOM-2018), IISc, Bangalore.
  23. Baiju P S, P Deepak Jayan, Sudhish N George, "Weighted Nuclear Norm and TV Regularization Based Image Deraining", IEEE National Conference on Communications (NCC -2018), IIT Hydrebad.
  24. Sameera Mhd Sageer V, Sudhish N George, "Denoising of Medical Ultrasound Images Based on Non-local Similarity: A Low-Rank Approach", IEEE TENCON-2017, Malaysia.
  25. Anjali Ravindran, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Video Inpainting based on Reweighted Tensor Decomposistion", Second Int. Conf. on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP-2017), IIT, Roorke. 
  26. Hawazin S Khaleel, Sameera V Mohd Sagheer,  Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Denoising of Volumetric MR Image using Low Rank Approximation on Tensor SVD framework", Second Int. Conf. on Computer Vision & Image Processing (CVIP-2017), IIT, Roorkee (Recieved the best student paper award).
  27. Sruthy S, Sudhish N George, "WiFi Enabled Home Security Surveillance System using Raspberry Pi and IoT Module", IEEE Int. Conf. Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (SPICES 2017). 
  28. Abdu Rahiman V, Rohit U, Sudhish N George, "Modified Dictionary Learning Method For Sparsity Based Single Image Super-Resolution", 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT–2016), Indian  School of Mines, Dhanbad, India. 
  29. Sameera Mhd Sageer V, Sudhish N George, "Novel Approach for De-speckling of Ultrasound Images using Bilateral Filter", 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT–2016), Indian  School of Mines, Dhanbad, India.
  30. Ramitha R S, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Dictionary learning based sparse coefficients for speech recognition in noisy environment ", IEEE Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS 2015).
  31. Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "A Dictionary Based Approach for Non-parametric SPIN and Application to Image Mixture Separation", IEEE Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS 2015).
  32. Ramitha R S, Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Sparse Linear Prediction Coefficients for Isolated Speech Recognition", IEEE Int. Conf. on Control, Communication and Computing India 2015 (ICCC-2015).
  33. Baburaj M, Sudhish N George, "Local Patch Dictionary Based Approach for Multi-View Image Compression", IEEE Int. Conf. on Control, Communication and Computing India 2015 (ICCC-2015). 
  34. Geethu RS, Krishna Kumar M, Sudhish N George, "A Proposal for Source Separation of  Ground Borne Vibration Signals and Its FPGA Implementation", IEEE Int. Conf. VLSI Systems, Architecture, Technology and Applications (VLSI-SATA 2015). 
  35. Nishant Augustine, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, ”Compressive Sensing based Audio Watermarking using SVD and DM Quantization",  Elsevier Int. Conf. Signal and Speech Processing (ICSSP-14) , Kerala, India. 
  36. Abhishek, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P,  "PWLCM based secure measurement matrix generation for secure video compressive sensing",  Springer, Second Int. Symposium Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC-14), New Delhi, India.
  37. Anoop B N, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P,  "Secure video transcoder based on correlation preserving sorting algorithm", IEEE Int. Conf. Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT-2014), Tamilnadu, India. 
  38. Nishant Augustine, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, ”Compressive sensing based audio scrambling using Arnold scrambling”, Second International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS-2014) .
  39. Nishant Augustine, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, ”Compressive sensing based audio scrambling using cellular automata”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT-2014).
  40. Sudhish N George, Shine P James, Deepthi P P, “An Audio Encryption Technique based on LFSR based Alternating Step Generator”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE CONECCT-2014).
  41. Abhishek, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P. P, “PWLCM based image encryption through compressive sensing”, IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS 2013). 
  42. Anoop B N, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “Secure Image Transcoding technique using chaotic key based algorithm with improved security”, Int. Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and  Compressed Sensing  (iMac4s)  - 2013, pp. 693 - 697. 
  43. Ashna K, Sudhish N George, "GSM based automatic energy meter reading system with instant billing", IEEE Int. Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and  Compressed Sensing  (iMac4s)  - 2013, pp. 65 - 72. 
  44. Neetha George, Lal M J, Sudhish N George, ""Digital tracking filter of FM-CW radar", IEEE Int. Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing (iMac4s) - 2013, pp. 636 - 640. 
  45. Shine P James, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “Secure Selective Encryption of Compressed Audio” IEEE Int. Conference is Microelectronics, Communication and Renewable Energy-2013, pp 1-6. 
  46. Athira A, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, ” A Novel Encryption Method Based on Compressive Sensing ”, IEEE, Int. Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and  Compressed Sensing (iMac4s)  - 2013,pp. 271 - 275.
  47. Anoop B N, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “Secure Image Transcoding technique using chaotic key based algorithm ”, Int. Conf. on Emerging Trends and Technology, (ICETT-2012), Nov. 2012.
  48. Rakesh V S, Sreesh P R, Sudhish N George, "An Improved Real-Time Surveillance System for Home Security System using BeagleBoard SBC, Zigbee and FTP Webserver", IEEE, India Conference (INDICON) , 2012, pp.  1240 - 1244. 
  49. Neetha George, Sudhish N George, Apren T.J and Lal M.J, "Enhancement of Weak Sinusoidal Signals Using Advanced ALE Techniques", 2012 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT- 2012), April 6-8 2012. 
  50. Subeesh Vasu, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “An Integrity Verification System for Images using Hashing and Watermarking”, IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2012) May 11 -13, 2012, Rajkot, India. 
  51. Geethu R S, Sudhish N George, Krishna Kumar M, " A Proposal for Source Separation of Heartbeat Sounds and its FPGA Implementation", IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2012) May 11 -13, 2012, Rajkot, India. 
  52. Arun Raj R, Sudhish N. George, Deepthi P P “An expeditious Chaos based Digital Image Encryption”, IEEE International Conference  on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT – 2012) March 16 - 17, 2012, Indian  School of Mines, Dhanbad, India. 
  53. Resmi K. Rajan, Deepthi P. Pattathi, Sudhish N. George, "A new scheme for digital fingerprinting of images based on low density parity check codes", Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference June 22 - 24, 2011 Crete, Greece Signal and Image Processing and Applications (SIPA 2011) pp 215- 222.
  54. Sudhish N. George, N. Vijayakumar, "Design characterization of doped fiber amplifiers", 8th National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT), College of Engineering, Trivandrum. 2007.




List of Published Journals with Impact Factor (IF) -2018

IEEE Journals

  1.  IEEE Transactions of Cybernetics (IF - 10.387)
  2. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IF - 5.63)
  3. IEEE Transactions on Circuits Systems & Video Technology (IF - 4.046)
  4. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IF - 3.268)

Elsevier Journals

  1.  Future Generation Computer Systems (IF - 5.768)
  2. Information Sciences (IF - 5.524)
  3. Neurocomputing (IF - 4.072)
  4. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine  (IF - 3.574)
  5. Biomedical Signal Processing & Control (IF - 2.943)
  6. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (IF - 2.259)
  7. Computers & Electrical Engineering (IF - 2.189)

Springer Journals

  1.  Multimedia Tools & Applications (IF - 2.101)
  2. Signal, Image & Video Processing (IF - 1.894)
  3. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (IF - 1.141)


Journal Citation Reports: SCI Imapct Factor (2019)
Sl. No. Name Imapct Factor
1 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 11.079
2 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9.340
3 Future Generation Computer Systems  6.125
4 Information Sciences  5.910
5 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  5.855
6 Neurocomputing 4.438
7 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine  4.383
8 IEEE Transactions on Circuits Systems & Video Technology  4.133
9 IEEE Access 3.745
10 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications  3.275
11 Biomedical Signal Processing & Control  3.137
12 IEEE Signal Processing Letters  3.105
13 Computers & Electrical Engineering 2.663
14 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 2.479
15 Multimedia Tools & Applications 2.313
16 IET Image Processing 1.995
17 Signal, Image & Video Processing 1.794
18 Arabian Journal of Geosciences 

