Dr. P. P. Deepthi (Professor)
Room | ECED-1 : 203 | |
deepthi@nitc.ac.in | ||
Office Phone | 0495-2286725 | |
Areas Of Interest | Channel Coding, Cryptography, Multimedia Security and Secure Signal Processing |
Educational Qualifications
B Tech (University of Calicut)
M Tech (IISc)
PhD (NIT Calicut)
International Journals
- Sreelakshmi Pazhoor, Jesy Pachat, A. A. Mahesh, Deepthi P P and B. S. Rajan, "Index Coded - NOMA in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3182891.
- Jesy Pachat, A. A. Mahesh, Deepthi P P and S. Rajan, "Embedded Index Coding with Consecutive Side Information in Vehicle to Vehicle Communication," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3175785.
- S. Alex, K. J. Dhanaraj and P. P. Deepthi, "Private and Energy-Efficient Decision Tree-Based Disease Detection for Resource-Constrained Medical Users in Mobile Healthcare Network," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 17098-17112, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3149771.
- Aneesh M. Koya, P.P.Deepthi, “Efficient on‑site confirmatory testing for atrial fibrillation with derived 12‑lead ECG in a wireless body area network”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2021 Nov 26;1-19. doi: 10.1007/s12652-021-03543-9
- J. Pachat, N. S. Karat, A. A. Mahesh, Deepthi P. P. and B. S. Rajan, “Index Coded PSK Modulation in Vehicle to Vehicle Communication," Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology-available as early access article, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2021.3073788.
- Lakshmi V.S., Deepthi S., Deepthi P.P. “Collusion Resistant Secret Sharing Scheme for Secure Data Storage and Processing over Cloud” Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier, Volume 60, August 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2021.102869
- J. Pachat, N. S. Karat, P. P. Deepthi and B. S. Rajan, “Index Coding in Vehicle to Vehicle Communication," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 11926-11936, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2020.3006441.
- Sona Alex, Deepthi P. P. and Dhanaraj K. J., "SPCOR: A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Mobile-Healthcare Emergency to Reap Computing Opportunities at Remote and Nearby," IET Information Security, Nov 2020. DOI: 10.1049/iet-ifs.2020.0086
- Amit Satish Unde and Deepthi P. P., “Adaptive compressive video coding for embedded camera sensors: Compressed domain motion and measurements estimation,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2019.2926271.
- Aneesh M. Koya and Deepthi P. P., “Plug and play self-configurable IoT gateway node for secure telemonitoring of ECG,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier vol.112, pp. 103359, September 2019.
- V.S. Lakshmi, P.P. Deepthi, “A Secure Regenerating Code based Cloud Storage with Efficient Integrity Verification”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, April 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.3948
- V.S. Lakshmi, P.P. Deepthi, "An Efficient Scheme for Secure Domain Medical Image Fusion over Cloud”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-7378-x
- Amit Satish Unde, and Deepthi P. P., “Design and Analysis of Compressive Sensing Based Lightweight Encryption Scheme for Multimedia IoT” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, Feb. 2019. doi:10.1109/TCSII.2019.2897839
- V.S. Lakshmi, P.P. Deepthi, "A secure channel code‐based scheme for privacy preserving data aggregation in wireless sensor networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, vol. 32, Issue 1, Jan. 2019, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/dac.3832
- Aneesh M. Koya, Deepthi P. P., “Anonymous hybrid mutual authentication and key agreement scheme for wireless body area network,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, vol. 40, pp. 138-151, July 2018. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2018.05.006
- A.S. Unde, P.P. Deepthi, “Rate-distortion analysis of structured sensing matrices for block compressive sensing of images”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier, vol. 65, pp. 115 – 227, July 2018.doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2018.
- A.S. Unde, P.P. Deepthi, “Fast BCS-FCOUSS and DBCS-FOCUSS with augmented Lagrangian and minimum residual methods”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Elsevier, vol. 52, pp. 92 – 100, Apr. 2018.doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvcir.2018.02.009
- Stuart, C.M., Deepthi, P.P., “Nonlinear Cryptosystem Based on QC-LDPC Codes for Enhanced Security and Reliability with Low Hardware Complexity and Reduced Key Size” Wireless PersCommun(Springer )Issue 3,pp:4177-4197.Vol 96, Oct 2017
- A.S. Unde, P.P. Deepthi, “Block Compressive Sensing: Individual and Joint Reconstruction of Correlated Images”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Elsevier, vol. 44, pp. 187 – 197, Apr. 2017. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvcir.2017.01.028.
- Celine Mary Stuart, Spandana K., Dhanaraj K.J., Deepthi P. P., “Design and implementation of hardware-efficient modified Rao–Nam scheme with high security for wireless sensor networks”, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier vol. 29, pp. 65 – 79, Aug. 2016.
- Celine Mary Stuart and P.P. Deepthi, "FPGA implementation of highly secure, hardware-efficient QC-LDPC code based nonlinear cryptosystem for wireless sensor networks", International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, pp. 1 – 16, Dec 2016.
- Jilna P., Deepthi P.P., Jayaraj U.K., “Hardware Implementation of an Efficient Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research (IJICR), Vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 663 - 671, 2016.
- Celine Mary Stuart, Deepthi P.P., “A novel low-complexity scheme for improving security of NLFG-based symmetric key cryptosystem using secure concatenated RS–QCLDPC code”, Security and Communication Networks, Wiley, pp. 2888 – 2900, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/ sec.1215.
- Jilna P. and Deepthi P.P., “A key management technique based on elliptic curves for static wireless sensor networks”, Security and Communication Networks, Wiley, vol. 8, no. 18, pp. 3726-3738, 2015.
- Jilna P. and Deepthi P. P., “Pseudorandom Bit Sequence Generator for Stream Cipher Based on Elliptic Curves”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi, vol. 2015, Article ID 257904, 16 pages, 2015.
- Sudhish N. George, Nishanth Augustine, Deepthi P. P., “Audio security through compressive sensing and cellular automata” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Vol. 74, Issue 23, pp 10393–10417, December 2015. doi:10.1007/s11042-014-2172-2
- Nishanth Augustine, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “An audio encryption technique through compressive sensing and Arnold transform”, International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications, Inderscience, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015.
- Sudhish N George and Deepthi P Pattathil, “Multiple chaotic maps based secure measurement matrix generation for multimedia compressive sensing”, International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (Inderscience), vol. 9,no. 1, 2015.
- Sudhish N George and Deepthi P Pattathil, “A novel approach for secure compressive sensing of images using multiple chaotic map”, Journal of Optics (Springer), Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-17, 2014.
- 20 . Sudhish N George and Deepthi P P, “A secure LFSR based random measurement matrix for compressive sensing”, Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal (Springer), Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 1-29, 2014.
- Sudhish N George, Arun Raj R and Deepthi P P, “A new framework for encryption and authentication multimedia data”, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 105-118, 2013.
- Sudhish N G and Deepthi P P, “Key Based Huffman Table for Multimedia Content Protection”, Int. Journal of Multimedia and User design and User Experience, vol.25, no.1, pp. 1103-1108, Mar 2013.
- Anoop B N, Sudhish N G, and Deepthi P P, “Secure Image Transcoding Technique Using Chaotic Key Based Algorithm”, Int.l Journal of Advanced Computer Research, vol. 2, no.4, pp: 84-88, Dec 2012.
- Deepthi P P and Sathidevi P S, “Design, Implementation and Analysis of Hardware Efficient Stream Ciphers Using LFSR Based Hash Functions”, Computers and Security (Elsevier Publishers), vol.28, no. 3-4, pp. 229-241, May-Jun. 2009.
- Deepthi P P., Lakshmi V S, and Sathidevi P S, “A New Hardware Efficient Stream Cipher Based on Hash Functions”, Int. Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, (Inderscience Publishers), vol. 3, no.4, pp. 340 -361, 2009.
- Deepthi P P and Sathidevi P S, “New Stream Ciphers Based on Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication”, Computer Communications (Elsevier Publishers), vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 25- 33, Jan. 2009.
- Deepthi P P, Deepa S J, and Sathidevi P S, “Design and Analysis of a Highly Secure Stream Cipher Based on Linear Feedback Shift register”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, (Elsevier Publishers), vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 235-243, Mar. 2009
- Deepthi P P , Nithin V S , and Sathidevi P S “Implementation and Analysis of Stream Ciphers Based on the Elliptic Curves” Computers and Electrical Engineering, (Elsevier Publishers), vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 300-314, Mar. 2009.
- Deepthi P P and Sathidevi P S, “Hardware Stream Cipher Based on LFSR and Modular Division Circuit”, Int. Journal of Electronics, Circuits and Systems, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 224-232, Fall 2008.
- Dhanaraj K J, Deepthi P P, and Sathidevi P S, “FPGA Implementation of a Pseudo Random Bit Sequence Generator Based on Elliptic Curves”, ICGST- Programmable Devices, Circuits and Systems (PDCS) Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 23-31, May 2007
International Conferences
- N. Sai Mani Rohith and Deepthi P. P, “A Novel Scheme for Adversarial Training to Improve the Robustness of DNN Against White Box Attacks” 7th International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP) 2022, VNIT Nagpur (Accepted)
- Sreelakshmi P,Jesy P, Nujoom Sageer Karat, Vinay Joseph, Deepthi P. P., B.S Rajan, “Optimal Index Code Design for IC-NOMA Transmission in VANETs” IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2022 (Presented)
- Sreelakshmi P, Jesy pachat, Anjana. A. Mahesh, Deepthi P. P and B. S.Rajan, “Index Coded - NOMA in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2022.
- Jesy pachat, Deepthi P. P and B. S.Rajan, “Index Coded Modulation in Network to Vehicle (N2V) communication", IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2022.
- Donuru Keerthi, Sreelakshmi P and Deepthi P.P, "Optimum Power Allocation for Power Efficient NOMA." in IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), Bangalore, 2022 (Accepted).
- K.M.Sankar Nampoothiri, Kalyani N Menon, Sayed Muhsin, Senna Manoj, Sooraj P, Dhanaraj K J, Deepthi P P “A High Throughput QC-LDPC Decoder Architecture for Near-Earth Satellite Communication” , Accepted in 4th IEEE-ICCSS 2021, May 2021, Malaysia
- Liya Mary Jacob, Sreelakshmi P and Deepthi P.P, "Physical Layer Security in Power Domain NOMA through Key Extraction” Accepted in 12th ICCCNT 2021, IIT Kharagpur,WB
- J. Pachat, N. S. Karat, A. A. Mahesh, Deepthi P. P. and B. S. Rajan, “Index Coded PSK Modulation in Vehicle to Vehicle Communication," Presented in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-April 2021.
- E. Devi, Deepthi P.P., “Iris Based Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication Using NTRU Homomorphic Encryption”, Int. Conf. on Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences(MIND-2019), NIT Kurukshetra March, 2019
- Lakshmi V.S., Deepthi P.P., “Error Correction Scheme for Regenerating Code based Distributed Storage Systems”, in Proc. of Int. Conf. On Communication Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2018), pp. 5-7, Singapore, 24-26 Feb 2018. doi:10.1145/3194244.3194246
- Deepthi S., Lakshmi V.S., Deepthi P.P., “Image processing in encrypted domain for distributed storage in cloud”, in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Wireless Communication, Signal Processing and Networking (WISPNET 2017), pp. 1478-1482, Chennai, India, 22-24 Mar 2017.doi: 10.1109/WiSPNET.2017.8300008
- Lajitha Raj K., Lakshmi V.S., Deepthi P.P., “Secure Querying of Outsourced Medical Images”, in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Wireless Communication, Signal Processing and Networking (WISPNET 2017), pp. 1218-1222, Chennai, India, 22-24 Mar 2017.doi: 10.1109/WiSPNET.2017.8299957
- Jilna P., Deepthi P.P. "Light weight key establishment scheme for wireless sensor networks", in Proc. Sixth International Conference on Security, Privacy and Applied Cryptographic Engineering (SPACE 2016), Hyderabad, India, pp. 124 – 137, Dec 2016.
- Teena P. Jose and Deepthi P. P, “Secure Sensor Node Design for ECG in Body Area Network”, IEEE TENCON 2016, 22-25 Nov 2016, Singapore.
- Amit Satish Unde, Ravikumar Malla and Deepthi P. P., “Low Complexity Secure Encoding and Joint Decoding for Distributed Compressive Sensing in WSNs”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, 3-5 March 2016.
- Jilna P., Deepthi P.P. and Jayaraj U. K., "Optimized Hardware Design and Implementation of EC based Key Management Scheme for WSN",in Proc. 10th International Conference on Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST 2015), London, UK, Dec.2015, pp. 164-169.
- Priya Mathew, Jilna P., Deepthi P.P, "Efficient Implementation of EC based Key Management Scheme on FPGA for WSN", 9th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Services and Applications (TSSA 2015), Bandung, Indonesia., DOI: 10. 1109/TSSA. 2015.
- Jilna P., Deepthi P.P., Sameer Saheerudeen Mohammed, Sathidevi P.S. and Vijitha A. P., “FPGA Implementation of an Elliptic Curve Based Integrated System for Encryption and Authentication”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE SPICES 2015), Feb 19-21, Kerala, India, February 2015.
- Celine Mary Stuart and Deepthi P. P., “Hardware Efficient Scheme for Generating Error Vector to Enhance the Performance of Secure Channel Code”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (IEEE SPICES 2015), Feb 19-21, Kerala, India, February 2015
- Stuart, C. M., Deepthi, P. P., “Low Complex System for Physical Layer Security Using NLFG and QCLDPC Code”, Second International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications, (SSCC 2014), September 24 – 27, 2014, New Delhi, Springer Berlin Heidelberg Proceedings pp. 313-324.
- Abhishek, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “PWLCM based secure measurement matrix generation for secure video compressive sensing”, Springer, Second Int. Symposium Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC-14), New Delhi, India, September 2014
- Nishant Augustine, Sudhish N George, Deepthi P P, “Compressive Sensing based Audio Watermarking using SVD and DM Quantization", Elsevier Int. Conf. Signal and Speech Processing (ICSSP-14), Kerala, India.
- Jesy P, Deepthi.P.P, "Joint Source channel Network Coding Using QCLDPC codes", IEEE Int. Conf. Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP-2014)
- Anoop B N, Dr. Sudhish N George, Dr. Deepthi P P,” Secure video transcoder based on correlation preserving sorting algorithm”, IEEE Int. Conf. Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT-2014), pp. 771 – 775, May 14, 2014, Tamilnadu, India.
- Sarika T, Deepthi P P, “A channel coder design for a high speed and less complex communication system using QC-LDPC codes”, IEEE Int. Conf. Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP-2014), pp. 326-330, April 3-4 2014, India
- Nishant Augustine, Sudhish N George and Deepthi P P, “Compressive sensing based Audio Scrambling using Arnold Transform”, Springer, Int. Conf. Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS-2014), pp. 172- 183, Mar 2014.
- Jilna P and Deepthi P P, “Implementation of an Elliptic Curve Based Message Authentication Code for Constrained Environments”, Springer, Int. Conf. Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS-2014), pp. 520-529, Mar 2014.
- Nishant Augustine, Sudhish N George and Deepthi P P, “Compressive sensing based audio scrambling using cellular automata”, IEEE Int. Conf. Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT-2014), pp. 1-5.
- Shine P James, Sudhish N George and Deepthi P P, “An audio encryption technique based on LFSR based alternating step generator”, IEEE Int. Conf. Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT-2014), pp. 1-6, Jan 2014.
- Abhishek, Sudhish N George and Deepthi P. P, “PWLCM based image encryption through compressive sensing”, IEEE Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS-2013), pp. 48-52, Dec 2013.
- Sruthi K and Deepthi P P “FPGA Implementation of Regular Parallel LDPC Decoder Using Min Sum Algorithm” in Proc. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Sciences and Engineering, ICRASE 2013, pp 201-204, Hyderabad, India, Apr. 2013
- Sarika K T andDeepthi P P “A Novel High Speed Communication System Based on the Concatenation of RS and QC-LDPC Codes” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Communications and Renewable Energy (ICMiCR) 2013, pp 1-5, Kerala, India, Jun. 2013.
- Shine P James, Sudhish N George, and Deepthi P P, “Secure Selective Encryption of Compressed Audio” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics, Communications and Renewable Energy (ICMiCR) 2013, pp 1-6, Kerala, India, Jun. 2013.
- Athira A, Sudhish N G, and Deepthi P P,” A Novel Encryption Method Based on Compressive Sensing”, in Proc. Int. Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing- 2013, pp.271 – 275, Kerala, India, Mar. 2013.
- Anoop B N, Sudhish N G, and Deepthi P P, “Secure Image Transcoding Technique Using Chaotic Key Based Algorithm with Improved Security”, in Proc. Int. Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing- 2013, pp. 693 – 697, Kerala, India, Mar. 2013.
- Nisha P K N, Deepthi P P, and Lalmohan K S, “Design and Analysis of Stream Cipher of Low Hardware Complexity” Proc. 2012 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2012), Rajkot, India, pp. 858 – 862, May 2012.
- Nandan S, Deepthi, P P, and Celine M S, “Low Complex Crypto Based Channel Coding”, Proc. 2012 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2012), Rajkot, India, pp. 863-868, May 2012.
- Subeesh V, Sudhish N G, and Deepthi P P, “An Integrity Verification System for Images using Hashing and Watermarking”, Proc. 2012 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2012), Rajkot, India, pp. 85-89 May 2012.
- Raghu I and Deepthi P P, “Multimodal Biometric Encryption Using Ridge and Iris Feature Map”, in Proc. 2012 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science (SCEECS), pp 1-5, MANIT Madhya Pradesh, India, Mar. 2012
- Arun Raj R, Sudhish N. G, and Deepthi P P “An Expeditious Chaos Based Digital Image Encryption”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT – 2012), Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India, pp 14-18, Mar. 2012.
- Jithendra K B, Lalmohan K S, and Deepthi P P “FPGA Implementation of Secure Time Shared Hash Stream Cipher”, in Proc. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Systems, Gwalior, India., pp 381-385, Oct. 2011.
- Shanthini K S and Deepthi P. P. “Ridge Feature Map Based Biometric Encryption”, in Proc. IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing and Applications (SIPA 2011), Crete, Greece, pp. 208- 214, Jun. 2011.
- Resmi K R, Deepthi P P, and Sudhish N G “A New Scheme for Digital Fingerprinting of Images Based on Low Density Parity Check Codes”, in Proc. IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing and Applications (SIPA 2011), Crete, Greece, pp. 215- 222, Jun. 2011
- Jilna P, Lalmohan K S, and Deepthi P P “Hardware Efficient Implementation of Encryption and Key Exchange Based on Elliptic Curves”, in Proc. IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing and Applications (SIPA 2011), Crete, Greece, pp. 230- 235, Jun. 2011
- Ashok L, Deepthi P P, and Celine M S, “Embedding Secrecy in Channel Coding with Low Density Parity Check Codes”, in Proc. IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing and Applications (SIPA 2011), Crete, Greece, pp. 236- 241, Jun. 2011
- Ancy S A, Deepthi PP, and P S Sathidevi, "Cryptanalysis and Security Comparison of Two Clock Controlled Generators", in Proc. International Conference on Computer Networks and Security ICCNS 08, Pune, India, pp. 264 – 269, Sep. 2008.
- Lakshmi V S, Deepthi P P, and Sathidevi P S, “Hardware Efficient Stream Cipher Based on Hash Function”, in Proc. International Conference on Computer Networks and Security ICCNS 08, Pune, India, pp. 274 – 279, Sep. 2008.
- Deepa S J, Deepthi P P, and Sathidevi P S “Linear Feedback Shift Register Based Stream Ciphers” in Proc. IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (CNIS 2007), Berkeley, USA, pp. 22-27, Sep. 2007.
- Nithin V S, Deepthi P P , Dhanaraj K J, and P S Sathidevi “Stream Ciphers Based on the Elliptic Curves” in Proc. International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Multimedia Applications ICCIMA 07, Tamil Nadu, India, pp. 99-104, Dec. 2007.
- Abida K, Deepthi P P and P S Sathidevi, “New Methods for Gray Level and Color Visual Cryptography”, in Proc. International conference on Advanced Computing and Communication ICACC, Tamilnadu, India, pp.716-719, Feb. 2007.
- Deepthi.P P, Vidya S B and P S Sathidevi, “Generation of innocent shares for visual cryptography”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Signal & Image Processing, Karnataka, India, pp. 659-661, Dec. 2006.
- Deepthi.P P, Celine M S, Sreelekha.G and P S Sathidevi, “Compression Tolerant DCT Based Perceptual Image Hash Incorporating Human Visual System Model”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Signal & Image Processing, Karnataka, pp. 662-665, Dec. 2006.
- Rama Krishna J, P S Sathidevi and Deepthi P P, “Partial Encryption of Subband Coded Speech Using Psychoacoustic Analysis” in Proc. First International Conference on Emerging Applications of IT, EAIT 2006, Kolkata, India, pp.31-34, Feb. 2006.
R & D Projects
1. Title : Wavelet Based Speech Enhancement for the hearing impaired
Current Ph.D and M.Tech Students
Ph.D Scholars
M.Tech Students
- V. V. Poorna Sekhar - Image denoising using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
- Rathlavath Likhitha - Resource allocation for downlink multicarrier NOMA
B Tech Students
- Nevin Gladson Varughese, Swarnendu Mondal, Pawan Kumar, Pavan P Nampoothiripad, Sayandeep Paul – IoT security
- Arun Raj K V, Akthar Azif, Shamil Shihab P K, Rithul SABI kumar – Distributed storage systems using blockchain technology
Thesis Guided
- Sudhish N. George: Design and Development of Low Complexity Schemes for Multimedia Information Security
- Celine Mary Stuart: Design and Development of Hardware Efficient Schemes for Secure Channel Coding
- Jilna P. : Design and Implementation of Elliptic Curve Based Integrated Cryptosystem for Resource Constrained Applications
- Amit Satish Unde: Compressive Sensing Based Secure and Lightweight Source Coding Scheme for Wireless Camera Sensors
- Lakshmi V.S. : Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Schemes for Secure Data Processing in Distributed Storage Systems
- Aneesh M. Koya : Efficient and secure lightweight system for ECG telemonitoring in wireless body area network
- Jesy P.: Design and development of index coding based schemes for efficient infotainment message dissemination in vehicle to everything networks
- Automatic Speech Recognition (2001 - 2002)
- Implementation of PC Based Logic Analyser using FPGA (2002 - 2003)
- Microcontroller Based GPIB Interface Card (2002 - 2003)
- Microcontroller Based Direct Digital Synthesis (2002 - 2003)
- Robust Image Hashing (2003 - 2004)
- Implementation of JPEG 2000 Standard (2003 - 2004)
- Selective Image Encryption (2004 - 2005)
- Implementation of Secure Communication System on TMS 320C6711 DSK (2004 - 2005)
- Hardware Implementation of Stream Cipher (2005 - 2006)
- Secure Multimedia Multicast with Dynamic Key Engine (2005 - 2006)
- Joint Source Channel Coding (2006 - 2007)
- Color Image Encryption (2007 - 2008)
- Image Hashing (2008 - 2009)
- Embedding Security in Channel Coding (2009 - 2010)
- Digital Fingerprinting (2010 - 2011)
- Audio & Image Steganography and Steganalysis (2010 - 2011)
- Joint Scheme for Physical Layer Error Correction and Security (2011 - 2012)
- Design & Analysis of a Conditional Access System for Secure Communication in Pay TV (2011 - 2012)
- Signal Processing in Encrypted Domain (2012 - 2013)
- Unequal Error Protection using LDPC Codes (2014 - 2015)
- Efficient Key Exchange Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (2014 - 2015)
- Joint Source Network Coding for Large Scale Sensor Networks (2014 - 2015)
- Secure Source Coding for Body Area Networks (2015 - 2016)
- Error and Erasure Correcting Codes for Distributed Storage Systems (2015 - 2016)
- Distributed Source Coding of Correlated Sources (2015 - 2016)
- Implementation of PUF based RFID tags (2016-17)
- Virtual integrated environment based driving simulator (2016-17)
- Privacy Preserving Data Mining for Health data (2018-19)
- Enhanced Data Security Using Blockchain (2018-19)
- Privacy Preserving Health Decision Support System (2019-20)
- Privacy Preserving Disease Detection using Neural Networks (2020-21)
Professional Affiliations
- Member, IEEE
- Life member, ISTE
Courses Offered in the Past
UG Courses
1. Electromagnetic Field Theory
2. Industrial Electronics
3. Linear Integrated Circuits
4. Signals and Systems
5. Digital Communication
6. Cryptography: Theory & Practice
7. Information Theory & Coding
PG Courses
1. Information Theory
2. Coding Theory
3. Digital Communication Techniques
4. Theory of Error Control Coding
5. Estimation & Detection Theory
6. Adaptive Signal Processing
7. Statistical Signal Processing
8. Mathematical Techniques for Electronics Design
Current Courses
1. EC4064D Cryptography: Theory and Practice
Extra Academic/ Administrative Responsibilities
Department Responsibilities
Lab in Charge of UG lab (2001 - 2019)
Time Table in-charge (1/6/2006 – 30/07/2015)
M.Tech Program Coordinator for Signal Processing stream (1/6/2010 – 30/07/2015)
Purchase Coordinator (2015 - 2018 )
Faculty Advisor and Class Chairperson of B Tech (2001 – 2005, 2006 – 2010, 2015 -19)
Department NBA Coordinator (June 2022 onwards)
Institute Responsibilities
Member of Institute Research and Consultancy Committee (17/10/2011 – 16/10/2012)
Member of Women Complaint Cell (04/10/2012 – 04/04/2014)
Associate Dean (Faculty Welfare) (4/3/2013 – 3/3/2015)
Convener of Screening Committee (10/7/2014 – 3/3/2015)
TEQIP nodal officer for Training & Development (2013 - 2018)
Member of NBA Accreditation Committee
NSS Programme Officer (2017- 19)
Ladies Hostel Warden (2017-18)
Chairperson (PG Admissions) - (2018 - 20)
Head of Department of ECE (2020 - 22)
Vice Chair, Centre for Quality Assurance and Enhancement (June 2022 onwards)