Dr. C.K. Ali (Professor)
Room | ECED-1 : DB101 | |
cka@nitc.ac.in | ||
Office Phone | 0495-2286717 | |
Mobile | 9446155872 | |
Areas Of Interest | Digital Communication, wireless communication |
Educational Qualifications
B.Tech (Electronics and Communication Engg.)University of Kerala.
M.Tech (Communication systems) IIT Madras
Ph.D(Wireless communication) Calicut University.
I Journals
1.Syam Chandran K & C. K.Ali, " Filtered OFDM with index modulation for mixed numerology transnmissions", 2020 International conference on Advance computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS).
2. Syam Chandran K and Ali C K, "Filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with index modulation for multservice wireless wireless communication system" International Jl on Communication System, 2021.
3.Varun Y, Syam Chandran K and C K Ali,"Inter numerology interference reduction based on precoding for multinumerology OFDM systems", 2020 IEEE 3rd 5G world forum (5GWF).
1.Shahnaz K.V. and Ali C.K., ”A signal power adaptive regularized sphere decoding
algorithm based multiuser detection technique for under-determined
OFDM/SDMA uplink system”, International Journal of Communication Systems,
32:e3838, 2019, Wiley (IF-1.717)
2. Deepak P. M., C. K. Ali, "Sensitivity of Filter Bank SCFDMA to carrier fre-
quency offset and its compensation using Firefly algorithm," Wiley: Int. J. Com-
mun. Syst., vol. 31, no. 14, p. e3743, Jul. 2018.
3. Deepak P. M., C. K. Ali, "Filter Bank SCFDMA: An Efficient Uplink Strategy
for Future Communication Systems," Springer: Telecommun. Syst., vol. 69, no.
4, pp. 529-543, Apr. 2018.
4.Deepak P. M., C. K. Ali, "Blind inter carrier interference compensation in MIMO
SC-IFDMA system using firefly algorithm", Elsevier : AEU - Int. J. Electron.
and Commun., vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 857-865, June 2016.
5. Deepak P. M., C. K. Ali, "Low Complexity Inter Carrier Interference cancellation
scheme for SC-IFDMA system", Wiley: Int. J. Commun. Syst., vol. 29, no. 4, pp
823-835, Mar. 2016.
6. Shahnaz K.V. and Ali C.K., “Firefly Algorithm Assisted Multiuser Detection
for an Up Link OFDM/SDMA System”, Int. J. of Reasoning based Intelligent
System,Vol. 7, Nos. 3/4, 2015, Inderscience (Scopus)
II Book Chapter
1 Shahnaz K.V. and Ali C.K., “A Sphere Decoding Algorithmfor Under-determined
OFDM/SDMA Uplink System with an Effective Radius Selection”, Advances
in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages :169-177, 2015, Springer.
III Conference Proceedings
1 Shahnaz K.V. Palash Kulhare and Ali C.K., “An Up Link OFDM/SDMA
MUD Using Firefly Algorithm”, Proc. of AEOTIT2, NIT Surat, Gujarat,
Vol.1, page 373-377, June 2014.
2 Deepak P. M., C. K. Ali, "Inter Carrier Interference Cancellation technique for
Single Carrier OFDM Communication System", in Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf.
Eco-friendly Computing and Commun. Syst. (ICECCS),NIT Suratkal, India,
Dec. 2014, pp. 250-254.
3 Shahnaz K.V. and Ali C.K.,“ An Efficient Sphere Decoding Algorithm for
Rank-deficient OFDM/SDMA Systems,” Proc. of ICACCI-14, Great Noida.
pages :2201-2204, 2015.
4 Deepak P. M., C. K. Ali, "Effective ICI matrix and its Compensation in SCFDMA
Communication System",in Proc. 7th IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. Syst. and Netw.
(COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, Jan. 2015, pp. 1-6.
5 Deepak P. M., C. K. Ali, "Using Firefly Algorithm for Total ICI Cancellation
of OFDM Communication System",in proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Signal Process.,
Informatics, Commun. and Energy Syst. (SPICES), NIT Calicut, India, Feb.
2015, pp. 1-5.
Research Interests
wireless communications, Channel coding,multiuser communication, CDMA,OFDM, MIMO
PhD Scholars
Syam Chandran K
Haris P A
Deepak P M
Shahnaz K V